*****pest害蟲(拍死它) ; ambition雄心(俺必勝) ; agony痛苦(愛過你) ; ambulance救護車(俺不能死); bale災禍(背噢) ; hermit隱士(何處覓他) ; strong強壯(死壯) ; sting蟄(死盯) ; abyss深淵(額必死) ; admire羡慕(額的媽呀) ; flee逃跑(飛離) 英語單詞,瞬間好背多了。
***** 【耳朵損人小短句】
stingy bastard!小氣鬼;
Nerd 書呆子;
Same difference半斤八兩;
You just don't appreciate it.不識抬舉;
How did it come to this!豈有此理;
Playing with fire 找死;
Lucky bastard! 狗屎運;
Don't play innocent!別裝蒜;
That's rubbish!胡扯
***ous 構成形容詞時,含有「如同」、「具有」的意思。
1.We are all dubious about the whole thing. 我們對整個事情,都很懷疑。 (dubiety n. 懷疑)
2.It was courageous for him to oppose his boss.他大膽地反對他的老闆。 (courage n. 勇氣)
羨慕的 (envy n.);
mountainous多山的(mountain v.);
poisonous有毒的 (poison n.);
thunderous打雷般的 (thunder n.);
bigamous 重婚的 (bigamy n.) ;
*****謝招待(thank for hospitality):
It was a real treat to have spent a weekend with you. We enjoyed every minute of it and can't get over the delicious meals we had. We'll not expect to forget such a joyful experience for some time.
*****謝招待(thank for hospitality):
What a delightful dinner party! We have always enjoyed going to your home, but last Saturday's visit was more delightful than ever.
*****謝招待(thank for hospitality)-20120103#186
Thank you for being such a wonderful hostess. You always make certain I am comfortable, well-fed and welcome. No words of mine can compliment you too highly.
*****謝送禮(Thanks for gifts)-20111220 #184
Ed and I are very grateful for the toaster you gave us. It fills a real need and it is the right size for our kitchen counter. We'll cherish your gift always.
Ed 和我非常感謝你送給我們的烤麵包機,這真符合我們的需求,其大小也適合廚房的台面。我們會時常珍惜你的禮物。
*****謝送禮(Thanks for gifts):20111213 #183
Bob and I most sincerely appreciate the lovely lace tablecloth with napkins. As you know, we both enjoy entertaining friends a great deal. You could not have given us anything better.
Bob 和我實在很欣賞那漂亮有鑲花邊的桌布和餐巾。你知道我們倆位很愛招待朋友,你那能送給我們比這更好的東西啊!
*****謝送禮(Thanks for gifts): 2011/12/6 #182
What a delightful surprise to receive your gift this afternoon. The beautiful dinnerwase you sent was something we will treasure for a long time. We appreciate your kindness more than we can say.
*****謝送禮(Thanks for gifts):2011/11/29#181
Your gift was right on target. You must be a mind-reader. We'll think of you every time we use your lovely stainless blender. We were touched by your thoughtfulness.
*****謝送謝送禮(Thanks for gifts):2011/11/24 #180
(1)Thank you ever so much for the pretty soft and fluff sweater you bought for me. With the cold weather coming, it is just what I need. How like you to be so generous!
*****(Thanks for gifts):
(1)Thank you ever so much for the pretty soft and fluff sweater you bought for me. With the cold weather coming, it is just what I need. How like you to be so generous!
***本周教學:2011-11-1 #177
※字尾是-ance、-ence (多半是名詞)
abundance 豐富;acquaintance 認識的人、相識
appearance 出現;brillance 光輝
defiance 違抗;importance 重要
raidance 發光;resonance 回聲
romance 浪漫、愛情; tolerance 忍受
absence 缺席;convenience 方便
***本周教學:2011/10/25 #176
★accede答應;concede 承認
precede 先於;secede 分離
intercede 說情;recede 後退
exceed 超過; proceed 繼續進行
succeed 成功; supersede 取代
***本周教學:2011/10/18 #175
★adore v. 愛慕 (adorable a. 可敬愛的、可愛的)
care n. 掛心 (caring a. 關心的)
create v. 創造 (creative a. 有創造力的)
move v. 移動 (movable a. 可移動的)
use v. 使用 (usable a. 可用的)
love v. 愛 (lovale a. 可愛的)
desire n. 慾望 (desirable a. 令人喜歡的、富有魅力的)
本周教學:2011/10/11 #174
字尾的一些規則。 ★pay v. 付錢 (payable a. 應支付的)
joy n. 喜悅 (joyous a. 高興的)
play v. 玩耍 (playful a. 愛玩耍的、開玩笑的)
toy n. 玩具 (toyish a. 玩具似的、不重要的)
day n. 白天 (daily a. 每天的)
gay a. 愉快的 (gaily adv
本周教學:2011/10/4 #173
vary v.改變 (various a.不同的)
snappy a. 厲聲說話 (snappily adv.)
rely v.依靠 (reliance n.信賴)
merry a. 歡樂的 (merriment n.歡樂)
defy v. 公然反抗 (defiant a.)
lazy a. 懶散的 (lazily adv.)
mystery n. 神秘事物 (mysterious a. 神秘的)
study v.n. 學習 (studious a. 勤學的)
本周教學:2011/09/27 #172
創製字 (invented words) 有些單字原由組合而創製而成的新字。
.Some rich women splurge on diamond rings and mink coats. 有些富婆在鑽戒和貂皮外套上揮霍金錢。splurge 花大錢 (splash v.潑灑+ surge n.,v.猛衝、浪湧)
2.The man was twiddling his thumbs waiting for the bus to arrive. 男子閒著無聊旋弄兩首大拇指等公車來。twiddle v.擺弄 (twitch 抽動+ fiddle 不經意地作事)
brunch 早午餐(breakfast 早餐 + lunch 午餐);
smog 煙霧 (smoke 煙 + fog 霧);
hi-fi 高音響設備 (high fidelity 高保真度);
technophobe 技術恐懼 (technology + phobia)
本周教學:2011/09/20 #171
組合字 (combined words) 有些字是由兩個單字組成。
1.Mr. A planned to hitchhike through Europe.A先生計畫在路上搭便車遊遍歐洲。 (hitch + hike)
2.The manufacturers are making more foldaway and feather weight bikes for people to carry around. 廠商製造更多可摺疊又輕便的單車,以便人們到處攜帶。(fold + away, foldaway a.可摺疊的)
wastewater 廢水 (waste 廢物 + water );
copycat 模仿者 (copy 模仿 + cat );
backpack 背包 (back + pack);
thumbtack 圖釘 (thumb + tack) ;
newscast 新聞廣播 (news + cast);
landfill 垃圾掩埋場 (land + fill);
network 網絡 (net + work)
同音異義字 (homonyms) 兩個字的發音相同或相似,但意義和拼法不同。
20110913 #170
1.The words stationary and stationery have the same pronunciation, but different meanings.(stationary 固定的;stationery 文具、信紙)
2.Although capitol and capital are pronounced the same, they differ in meaning.
(capitol 美國國會大廈;capital 首都、資金、大寫字母)
altar 聖壇;alter 改變;
knight 武士;night 夜晚;
waste 浪費 ;waist 腰部;
tale 故事、傳說 ﹔tail 尾巴;
steal 偷盜﹔steel 鋼鐵;
raze 折毀 ﹔raise 舉起;
sun 太陽﹔son 兒子
1.Mr A’s retirement benefits are adequate (→enough) to make a living. A先生的退休福利夠他生活。
2.Many Chinese show loyalty (→faithfullness) to their families. 許多老中對家庭很忠誠。
efficient效率高的、有能力的 (capable);
banish放逐 (exile);
benevolence善意 (kindness);
hesitant猶豫的 (reluctant);
disclose透露 (reveal);
harmony和諧 (balance);
negligent疏忽的 (careless);
donation奉獻 (contribution)
◎-ment 多半附在動詞,構成名詞,有「行動」、「結果」、「手段」的意思。
1. A person who needs to be employed is seeking employment. 需要被雇用的人,就是找工作。(employ v.)
2. When you judge his actions, you are making a judgement.(=judgment) 當你評價他的行為時,你就是在作出判斷。(judge v.)
◎-or (或-er)構成名詞時,會有「人」或「物」(person or thing)的意思。
1.Some hospitals have been looking for liver donors. 有些醫院在尋求肝臟捐贈人。 (donor 捐贈者)
2.The two-star general was invited to be a spectator at the military parade.二星將官受邀參觀閱兵遊行。(spectator 旁觀者)
runner 賽跑者;
player 球員;
◎--ness 附在形容詞後,構成抽象名詞時,會有「狀態」、「性質」、「程度」的意思。
1.He said that everything was in a state of preparedness. 他說一切準備就緒。(prepared a. 準備好的狀態)
2.Only laziness will prevent me from writing articles. 唯有懶惰才使我不寫文章。(lazy a.)
sadness悲傷 (sad a.);
goodness美德、善良 (good a.);
kind-heartedness仁慈、好心 (kind-hearted a.);
fierceness殘酷、兇猛 (fierce a.)
◎-ible構成形容詞,會有「能被」、「可成」 (having condition of)的意思。
1. Old people need to eat more digestible food. 老年人要吃比較容易消化的食物。
2. Generally, hearsay is not permissible evidence in court. 通常,道聽塗說在法庭上不許作為證據。
accessible 易接近的;
edible 可食用的;
reversible 可翻轉的;
convertible 可轉化的;
eligible 合格的;
incredible 難以置信的;
sensible 明智,合情理的
◎-ish 含有「稍有」、「似乎」、「趨向」、「一些」的意思。
1. Mr. A’s behavior seems (to be) a little childish. A先生的行為似乎有點幼稚。
2. He is a fortyish man with pleasing personality.他是位四十歲左右的男子,擁有令人快樂的個性。
girlish 女孩似的;
bookish 好讀書的、書呆子氣;
sweetish 略甜的;
foolish 愚蠢的;
thirtyish 卅歲左右、三○年代的;
selfish 自私的;
reddish 帶有紅色的,淡紅的
1. The ex-marine officer has received a posthumous award for his bravery.
曾任陸戰隊軍官因表現英勇而在死後獲獎。(posthumous 死後的)
2. Mr. Wang added a postscript to his letter.
王先生在他的信中附筆。(postscript 附筆)
postgraduate 研究生;
postdoctorate 博士後研究人員;
postwar 戰後;
postnuptial 婚後的;
postoperative 手術後
◎-ism 構成抽象名詞時,含有「主義」、「特性」、「病態」、「信仰」等意思。
The boy received Christian baptism last week.這個男孩上周接受基督教的洗禮。
2. Bob’s heroism in saving the drowning girl from the river was highly praised. Bob從河中救出落水女孩的英勇行為受到高度讚揚。
Americanism 崇美主義;
barbarism 野蠻或落後狀態;
skepticism = scepticism 懷疑態度;
Nationalism 民族主義;
alcoholism 酗酒;
Mongolism 蒙古症、唐氏症;
progressivism 進步黨主義;
◎-ist 構成名詞時,有「實行者」、「信仰者」、「專家」(specialist) 的意思。
1.Mary wants to be a pianist in her career.Mary 要以鋼琴家為她事業。
2. Being a perfectionist, Mr. B makes his life more stressful. B先生是位完美主義者,使得生活壓力更大。
tourist 旅遊者;
journalist 新聞工作者;
botanist 植物學家;
organist 風琴手;
moralist 道德家;
violinist 小提琴手;
socialist 社會主義者;
trans-會有「超越」、「橫穿」 (across) 的意思。
1. You may leave the transaction of this matter to me. 你可以把這件事交我處理。(transaction 辦理)
transform 轉變;
transplant 移植;
transparency 透明;
transport 運輸
1. You may leave the transaction of this matter to me. 你可以把這件事交我處理。(transaction 辦理)
◎-ize 由名詞或形容詞構成動詞時,含有「使形成」、「產生」、「成為」的意思。
1.The preacher baptized Mary in Church last Sunday.
上星期天牧師為Mary洗禮。(baptize v. 給施禮;baptism 洗禮式 n.)
2. Mr. A apologized profusely to her for being rude.
A先生因粗野而一再向她致歉。(apologize v. 道歉; apology n.)
memorize v. 記住 (memory n.記憶);
materialize v. 使具體化 (material n. 材料);
systemize v. 使系統化 (system n. 系統);
monopolize v. 壟斷、獨佔 (monopoly n. 材料);
equalize v. 使平等 (equal a. 平等的);
popularize v. 使大眾化 (popular a. 流行的);
economize v. 節省 (economic a. 經濟學的);
centralize v. 作為中心 (central a. 中心的);
◎-less 多半附在名詞後,構成形容詞,含有「不」或「無」(not)的意思。
1. It was careless of her to leave her bag in the bus. (她把袋子留在公車上,很不小心。)
2. Mr. B is very kind but rather humorless. (B先生很親切但缺乏幽默。)
ageless 不顯老的;
limitless 無限制的;
carless 無車的;
doubtless 無疑的;
valueless 無價值的;
tireless 不疲倦的;
homeless 無家可歸的;
◎-ly 構成副詞時,含有「方式」、「程度」、「範圍」的意思。
1. I tried mightily to lift the heavy box. 我竭盡全力地想舉起重的箱子。(mighty a.強大的)
2. The neighborhood become oddly silent last night. 昨晚鄰居奇特地安靜。(odd a.奇特的)
smilingly 微笑地;
swiftly 快速地;
unexpectedly 意外地;
outwardly 外表地;
slowly 慢慢地;
relatively 相對地
◎-ly 若附在名詞後,構成形容詞時,則含有某種「特性」的意思。
1. Mrs. A shows motherly kindness to her friends. (A太太對她的朋友顯出慈母般的愛心。)
2. Many people are paid on an hourly basis. (許多人是按鐘點計酬。)
brotherly a.兄弟般的;
kingly a.國王似的,高貴的;
heavenly a.天國的,超凡的;
ghostly a. 似鬼的