



Respiratory System:名辭:




nasal cavity 鼻腔

ears 耳

mouth 嘴                               

lips 唇

sphenoid sinus 蝶竇

trachea 氣管

bronchus 支氣管

lungs 肺臟

pleura 肺膜

diaphragm 橫膈膜

upper respiratory tract 上呼吸道

lower respiratory tract 下呼吸道


How your respiratory system works…

The diaphragm contracts when you breathe in, you bring oxygen to your chest, pulling air in through your nose, and mouth and lungs. When you breathe out, you exhale and CO2 is pushed out by the same organs. The oxygen you breathe in is circulated through the body by the circulatory system to supply all parts of the body.


Relevant Terminology:

Common Symptoms


cough 咳嗽

sneezing 打噴嚏

shortness of breath 氣喘

coughing up phlegm 咳嗽帶痰

dry cough 乾咳

phlegm 痰

thick phlegm 濃痰

saliva 口水

drool 流口水

spit 吐痰

mucus 黏痰 ;黏液

running nose  (rhino rhea) 流鼻水

nose bleed  (epistaxis) 流鼻血

earache 耳痛

muscle ache 肌肉痛

swollen cheek 面頰腫

fever 發燒

chills 發冷

cyanosis 發紺;口唇發紫;缺氧

hemoptysis, coughing up blood 咳血

weight loss 體重減輕

hoarseness (hoarse) 聲音嘶啞

itchy throat 喉嚨癢

sore throat, throat is sore 喉嚨痛

tired, fatigue 疲倦

noises in my ear 耳鳴

cannot hear well 聽不清楚

cannot hear anything at all 完全聽不見

cannot smell 嗅覺不好

cannot taste anything 味覺不好

postnasal drip 鼻涕倒流

stuffy nose 鼻塞

chest tightness 胸悶

wheezing 哮喘音

suffocation 窒息


Common Diseases

common cold 感冒

influenza, flu 流行性感冒

hay fever 花粉熱

allergy 過敏

asthma 哮喘

pharyngitis 喉嚨發炎

tonsillitis 扁桃腺炎

streptococcus ( strep throat)  喉嚨鏈球菌發炎

paranasal sinusitis 鼻竇炎

laryngitis 喉炎

bronchitis 氣管炎

epiglottitis 會厭炎

croup 哮吼

carbon monoxide poisoning 一氧化碳中毒

pneumonia 肺炎

pleurisy 肋膜炎;胸膜炎

costochondritis 肋軟骨炎

pneumothorax 氣胸

emphysema 肺氣腫

lung abscess 肺膿腫

pleural effusion 肺積水

pulmonary tuberculosis (TBC)  肺結核

lung cancer 肺癌

silicosis 矽肺

lung abscess 肺膿腫

asbestosis 石綿肺

sleep apnea 睡眠窒息症

snore 打鼾


Common Tests and Medications    

cough medicine 咳嗽藥

throat lozenges 喉片

antihistaminic 抗組織胺劑

fever medicine (antipyretics)  退燒藥

antibiotics 消炎片、抗生素

nasal spray 噴鼻劑

inhaler 吸劑

cold medicine 感冒藥

nose drop 滴鼻藥水

OTC (over the counter) medication 不需處方藥劑

eye ointment, eye drop 眼藥膏;眼藥水

humidifier 溼度調節器

air purifier 空氣淨化器

nebulizer 噴霧器

expectorant 祛痰劑

cough suppressant   止咳嗽劑

flu vaccine 流行性感冒疫苗

bed rest 休養 (在家休息)

deep breathing exercise 深呼吸運動

Tuberculin purified protein derivative test, PPD test 純蛋白衍生物結核菌素試驗

tuberculin Tine test  (小兒)結核菌素交叉試驗 

chest x ray 胸部 X光檢查

spirometer 呼吸測定計

spirometry 肺量測定法

vital capacity 肺活量

bronchoscope 支氣管鏡

lung scan 肺部掃描

lung biopsy 肺切片檢查

    創作者 linda觀二呆 的頭像


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