
Nothing starts the day off better than a couple of eggs and fatty bacon. The protein of the eggs and the grease of the bacon form a great mixture that powers you through the day. It should also be mentioned that bacon generally is great combined with all kinds of other foods as well – even sweet things such as Bacon and Maple Cookies.
9Butter and Popcorn

Popcorn was originally discovered by the Native Americans. Popcorn became increasingly popular during the Great Depression because it was relatively cheap, it’s use was especially popular in movie theaters. Now when you go to the movies the spell of popcorn almost seems irresistible, despite its now horrendously expensive price. Butter and popcorn was bound to be a match made in heaven.
8Pizza and Beer

Let’s all face it, what is better than a nice pepperoni pizza and an ice cold beer? The hot grease of the pizza is nicely washed down by the refreshing beer. And to further enhance an already great evening, when dining on this lovely combination, throw in a movie, some buttered popcorn, and make a night of it! Just watch out for the calories – as delicious as this mix is, it was clearly designed by Satan himself to get us all to hell faster.
让我们跟自己坦白吧,有什么能好过一份美味的意大利香肠比萨加上一杯冰凉的啤酒?比萨的温热的油脂伴随着鲜酿的冰啤酒滚入腹中。播上一部电影,一份比萨 加啤酒,在来上一份奶油爆米花,那就是一个美好晚上的全部。只是得留神一下这几种的热量——你知道的,这么美味的组合,肯定是撒旦精心设计出来让我们尽快 去地狱拜见他的。
7Salt and Pepper

The combination of salt and pepper dates back to seventeenth century French cuisine, as it was thought that pepper was the only spice which did not overpower the natural taste of the food. All foods can be better with a little bit of salt and pepper. On their own both pepper and salt can be used in savory and sweet cooking – and in combination they can convert something bland into something wonderful. Every chef worth his weight will use these two together on almost everything he cooks.
这个组合的起源可以追溯到古老的17世纪法国菜。当时人们认为胡椒是唯一一种不会掩盖食物天然味道的香料。加上一点胡椒,所有的食物都可以变得更加美 味。在他们看来盐和胡椒都可以加到开胃菜和甜点中去。它们两的组合完全可以将一份平淡无奇的菜肴变成极品的美食。每一个称职的大厨都会将这两样调料加到他 所有的作品中去。
6Burger and Fries

Although french fries may date back to the 1600s-1700s, their popularity sky-rocketed when they began to be sold worldwide through fast food chains, especially McDonald’s. Most fast food chains quickly paired the fries with burgers, creating one delicious meal. Did you know that it was American Soldiers who coined the term “French Fries”, when they tasted them for the first time in Belgium during World War I? In most other English speaking parts of the world they are referred to simply as “chips” and French Fries is considered an Americanism.
尽管炸薯条的起源要追溯到1600到1700年间去,但是它真正一炮走红还是在麦当劳这样的快餐连锁店全球开始销售薯条之后。大部分的快餐连锁店都能在 很短的时间能准备好一份汉堡加薯条,为您提供一份美味的午餐。你知道吗,炸薯条(French fries)这个名词是由美国大兵在第一次世界大战的比利时第一次品尝这种食物的时候创造出来的。在世界上绝大部分的说英语的国家他们称之为薯条 (chip),而只有我们美国人称之为炸薯条(French fries)。

Some claim the combination began in the early 20th century, where Italian immigrants were making them in New York City. However, others claim that the pairing dates back to Old World Italy. Regardless of the origin, the two compliment each other and make for a great, filling meal – and an especially good one for the poor college student.
4Cheese and Crackers

The classic combination of cheese and crackers became increasingly popular with the development of the Ritz cracker in 1934, by Nobisco. The combo serves as a great snack, especially for small get togethers. Unlike most of the other entries on this list, this is a food combination loved by both rich and poor – whether you put cheap old cheese on store-bought crackers or the finest truffle laced mature brie on handmade crackers – the combination is simple, tasty, and unbeatable for parties.
自1934年Nobisco开创了乐之薄饼之后,奶酪饼干这种经典的组合就越来越流行。这个组合为小型的聚会提供了一种很好的甜点。不像列表中的其他组 合,奶酪加饼干可以说是穷人富人都爱吃——不论使用商店里面放陈了的便宜奶酪,或者是上好的有松露花边的布里干酪,都可以涂在这手工制作的饼干上——这种 组合实在是既简单,又美味,是聚会的不二选择。
3Tortilla Chips and Salsa

Although the combination of chips and salsa is typically considered to be Mexican food, the combo really boomed when tortilla chips began being mass produced in Los Angeles. Now the combination serves as one of the most popular appetizers and snacks. This is also a combination that can be as unique as it’s maker – as long as your salsa contains tomatoes, you can add virtually anything else and it will still taste great with tortilla chips.
虽然传统意义上来说墨西哥玉米片配莎莎酱是一种墨西哥食物,但是这种组合真正流行开来还是在拉斯维加斯开始大规模生产之后。现在这种组合也成了最流行的 开胃菜和甜点之一。这种组合也可以由它的制作者做的非常独特。只要你的莎莎酱中含有西红柿就行,除此之外你几乎可以加任何东西进去来配你的墨西哥玉米片。
2Mashed Potatoes and Gravy

One of the ultimate combinations, the gravy moistens the potatoes and adds the little extra flavor to create the perfect combination. Letting the gravy poor all over the potatoes, seemingly completes the mashed potatoes. This is obviously such a popular combination that it is a signature dish of Kentucky Fried Chicken.
1Oreos and Milk

The Oreo was created in February 1912 by Nabisco in New York City. Oreos immediate popularity resulted in it being the best selling cookie of the 20th century. It has since been dubbed “Milk’s Favorite Cookie”. The milk seems to be the perfect match to the chocolate of the oreo, making the duo one of the best. But, despite the popularity of the oreo and milk combination, milk and any type of cookie is great – maybe you should try it with the maple bacon cookies listed above.
奥利奥是由Nabisco于1921年在纽约开发出来的。开发出来之后,奥利奥立即受到广泛的热捧,而且是20世纪销售量最大的甜点。自此之后它就被冠 以“牛奶最佳伴侣”的称号。牛奶和奥利奥中的巧克力真是绝配,是组合中的佼佼者。当然了,除了奥利奥和牛奶的组合之外,牛奶和其他的甜点配起来也不错—— 你尽可以将枫香培根以及以上列出的甜点和牛奶一起吃。