最近看到不少的帖子说到租房后的困扰…反正俺闲着也是闲着,在不同的网站上收集了一些资料并整理了一下贴出来, 希望能帮帮有需要的人。 加拿大租房详细要领 书面租约一般内容及条款: (1)租金金额及每月缴交租金日期 (2)租约有效期 (3)租客人数 (4)按金 (5)有关费用的负担及责任 (6)饲养宠物的限制与否 (7)停车位 ( 有关装修等条件 关于按金: (1)业主可要求租客缴付按金。但业主必须在成立租约时提出收取按金要求,否则无权再问。 (2)业主可以收取的按金不能超过第一个月租金的一半。 (3)作为租客必须在租约开始实行三十天内缴付按金。如果你没依例而行,业主可以给予一个月通知然后终止租约。 (4)按金用於租客支付修理费。 何时业主可进入已出租的房屋: (1)出租房屋发生紧急事故,例如火警、水淹、或喉管爆裂 (2)租客在家并且同意业主进入 (3)租客没有通知业主但迁走 (4)业主持有租务审裁处或法庭发出有关的命令 (5)业主给予不少于24小时及不多于72小时的通知要进入出租房屋并且给予一个合理解释为什么要进入。而预约进入时间必须在早上8时至晚上9时之内,除非得到你的同意。 租客可否更换房屋门锁? 作为租客你是不可以随意更换门锁,除非你得到租务审裁处的命令。因为如果有紧急事故发生而你又不在家或不能立即开启门户,紧急应变人员是可以破门而 入,而你必须负责事后修补门户的费用。一般,业主会在房屋入口摆放紧急锁匙箱,那么紧急应变人员不需破坏门户便可进入。而业主是不能在紧急锁匙箱内取出锁 匙自行进入的。 何种情况需做紧急维修? (1)喉管或屋顶严重漏水 (2)食水管或污水管污塞或损坏 (3)中央或主要暖气系统损坏 (4)坏锁而令任何人无需锁匙可以进入屋内 (5)可能会导致房屋或财物损坏的问题 租客的权力: (1)租客有权留客住宿(非牟利的) (2)如果租客的健康或安全因房屋问题受到危害,租客有权要求进行维修。如果尝试两次无法接触业主或业主代表,并且在等候一段合理时间后仍没回音的话,租客可以自行处理事故,或找人进行维修。 (3)退租时房屋完好无损,租客有权取回按金 (4)有权拒绝不合理加租(一年应一次) 租客的义务: (1)按时缴纳房租 (2)要保持出租房屋整洁及维持起码卫生水平 (3)租客或租客的客人损坏房屋设施,有义务负责修缮 (4)遵守租约其他规定 在加拿大租房时应注意哪些问题? 移民来到加拿大,首先要为自己和家人找一个栖身之地,初到加拿大,绝大多数人都是租房子住。通常新移民可在报纸分类广告(Classified)中"租房(Rent)"一栏找住房。也可以通过熟人介绍。不出一两个星期你就能够熟悉环境并找到合适的住房。 在加拿大不同的城市,对同样的成套居室有不同的称呼。所以在找房时,要搞清楚居室的实际意义。在不同的城市,房租也相差很大,例如在蒙特利尔市,一套 3居室,其月租金一般不低于350加元。在温哥华则不低于650加元。而在多伦多,这样条件不会低于500加元。如果想与他人合住(share),双方就 应有约束及默契,以免造成不愉快。如果与你合住的是你的房东,那就意味着你要"牺牲"一些自由,如:和房东共用卫生间和厨房;要遵守房东的一些规定,诸如 不能过多地邀朋聚友,厨房禁油烟,不能高声打电话等。租住house的地下室相对来说比较自由,租金也便宜些。 商业性出租的房屋最常见的就是公寓楼(Apartment),在一个大的高层建筑中,住房分门别居,但共用楼梯、电梯和地下停车场。公寓的阳台只可凭 靠眺望,享受阳光,不作晾晒衣物之用。居住在Apartment和House相比还有一个方便之处,那就是少了冬季扫雪、夏季锄草的麻烦。公寓也有高低档 之分,在多伦多或温哥华,高档的家庭套居(如两室一厅),有可能花1000加元左右,内有空调、洗衣房(laundry room,包括洗衣机和烘干机),有的楼下还有公共游泳池、桑拿室(sauna room)、健身房等设施,生活十分方便舒适。中档的两室一厅,月租也得750加元左右,但洗衣服要在公共洗衣房使用投币洗衣机和烘干机,楼内也没有上述 公共健身设施。 租房还有带家具和不带家具之别,当然带家具的房子租金要贵一些。一般来说,租金中包括了水、电、煤气费及冬天暖气费用、煮食炉和冰箱费用,甚至可能还 包括停车位、洗衣机等费用。但也有的房租中不包括水电费。在租房之前一定要问清楚房租中所包括的内容,例如水、电、煤气及取暖费等。在签租约之前,最好是 亲自到房子里察看一下,有时亲身感受和电话里谈的情况很不相同。还要看看房间是不是一切都正常。通常签约时要交两个月的房租(包括一个月的押金),租金一 般是以月计,每月初(或上月底)支付。如果要搬家,应该至少提前1个月和房东打招呼,保险一点最好以书面通知并要求书面回复。以免将来闹上法庭后口说无 凭。 租房子要签约,但各省的租约各有不同的标准。有时房东与房客之间也不签租约,只是达成口头协议即可(但最好还是不要这样做,你不知道数个月之后双方的 关系如何,有很多例子都是到最后翻脸不认人)。再唠叨一下,一般来说,一份租约应该有的条款:月租金额和付租日期;租约有效期限;押金数额(用来支付房客 造成的房屋和其他设施损坏);租金包含的项目内容;公寓的居住人数;关于宠物喂养的一些限制等等。房东和房客也是双向选择,相当多的房东不愿意把自己的房 子出租给让他们感觉很麻烦的房客。同样,房客也不愿意住在过分苛刻的房东那里。 签约之前应该仔细阅读租约,确保自己同意约中各项条款内容。搬进房子之前,应该要求房东书面承诺负责履行他所答应的诸如修理房子、装修或提供储物间等 义务;另外,最好让他写一份书面报告,写明在你搬入之前已经存在的一些损坏情况,以免这些损坏的责任凭空落在你头上。当然,你也可以自己写好,让房东签 字,并附于租约。(若文字无法清楚的表达,最好能拍下相片附于租约)房东有维修住房的责任,如果他没有承担应负的责任,你可以要求房东履行责任甚至报告到 城市的有关当局处理这件事。出租的房屋在冬季应该保证室温在20°C度,如果过冷,房东有责任改善,或房客可以不受合同限制而搬走。另外,除非有不得已的 紧急事件,房东不能随便闯入房客的房间。如果他想进入你租的房间,应提前于24至72小时发给书面通知,或是征得你的同意。房东要想加租,必须提前3个月 书面通知房客。加拿**律规定,房租一年只能涨一次,涨幅不得超过规定的百分点。如果房东非法涨价,你可以向政府控告。 房客应该认真阅读一下自己所住省份的《租务法》,以便熟悉房客应承担的责任。首先你应该遵守租约规定的内容,例如负责修理自己造成的损坏。先获得房东 同意再在墙上或地板上钉钉子、刷油漆等。其次,当你准备搬家时,你必须认真查看一下租约,然后再向房东发出通知。一般来说,如果搬家时租约尚未期满,房客 还应该付房东租金。如果付租方式是每月一付,那么退租通知最晚应在搬家前1个月以书面形式交给房东或公寓经理。房东如果对房客不满意,并有正当理由,可以 提前 20天以书面形式通知房客搬走,或给房客7至14天的改过期。另外,如果房东自己需用房子,可以提前两个月提出要求请房客搬出,如果房屋需要修理或改建, 房东可以提前120天通知房客搬走。 租屋提防被诈欺 卑诗租户权益行动联盟 (BC Tenants Rights Coalition) 多元文化法律教育统筹赖密芮兹(Sedia Ramirez)指出,华裔租屋者应切忌付现金、预付多个月租金,也不能用中文签约。她说,鉴于房屋租贷容易出现金钱纠纷,而新移民初来乍到人生地不熟, 为减少损失、保护租户自身的权益,她呼吁华人租屋者切记三忌: 1)忌付现金: 付租金应以支票为好,支票有记录,未到期的还有可能要求银行拒付。 2)忌预付租金: 以每月付一次租金为好。 3)忌用中文签约: 租屋应有租赁协议,协议应以英文写成,中文不具法律效力,发生麻烦上法庭时仍需译成英文。不懂英文者应请懂英文人士协助,英文租赁协议文本可由该会网站联 接的省住户租赁办公室 (Residential Tenants Office) 网站下载。 低收入人士如怀疑遭诈欺,如果出示薪水支票存根等证据,可向卑诗省住宅租货办事处申请免费仲裁。对非低收入人士而言,此法也比上小额赔偿法庭节省费用。 有关租户权益事宜可拨卑诗租户权益行动联盟英文热线电话 604-255-0546 查询,该联盟网站 www.tenants.bc.ca 备有中文专页,提供有关租户权益的公共教育资讯。有语言困难的市民,可致电中侨社工604-279-7186求助。 赖密芮兹说,去年夏季在列治文市爆发的几十户华裔分租户租金疑遭二房东卷走事件,是她任租户权益倡言人七年来最严重的事故,其中的困难在于受害人不懂法律,很多人甚至不会说英语,因此加深了他们受骗受害的可能。 单身女房客可能遭遇的困境及防范 (一个实例) 一位单身女性房客MM住在Town House三楼的一个单间,一楼是房东一家和洗衣房,大家一直相安无事。突然有一天,女房东突然要求她和另外一家房客从三楼搬到一楼,他们全家搬上去,而 且二楼到一楼之间安了一道门,要求MM从窗户改成的门独立出入。一般来说,应该是房客更喜欢要求独立门出入,如果房客不要求,房东一般不会主动这么做。之 后,又发生过若干次有关暖气的争执。女房东态度的突然变化令人费解。 据了解,房东的老公上夜班白天要在家睡觉,而女房东白天可能要外出,该单身女房客MM则可能暂时需要长期呆在家里,因为她到加拿大的时间并不长。在这 种情况下,也许女房东把她看成了潜在的威胁。(注:在此并无恶意,只是想提醒单身女房客,千万不要忽视女房东因嫉妒和猜疑心理而可能对女房客带来的困境甚 至伤害)。 新移民巨大的生存压力和拮据的钱袋,迫使大家选择挤迫而狭窄的生存空间里。人与人之间的关系则变得微妙起来,常常会发生一些前所未遇的情况。如果不洞 悉其中的奥秘,恐怕会令自己苦恼而百思不得其解。事实上,不仅是单身的女性房客在跟别人合租房子时候会遭遇一些无端猜疑,已婚的夫妇们合租时,如果不是心 中有数,恐怕也难免发生不快。 有没有什么解决的办法呢?一旦发生了这种事情,最好赶快搬走。当然,防患于未然的办法是不跟房东或者别人合租,但不现实。既然我们注定要跟别人合租, 那么我们可以为保护自己做些什么呢?首先,在找房子时,要注意房子的私密空间和公共空间的分布是否合理,应保证自己有一个充分的私密空间;其次,在平时相 处的时候,脑子里要有根弦,大家和和气气但始终保持一定的安全距离。也许这些文字让人觉得有些冷漠无情,但世事洞明皆学问,此时有心胜无心。也许只有这 样,我们才能够更坦然地理解和处理我们移民生活中遭遇的新问题。 好了!到这里大家也看累了!最后,再把加拿大租房房屋合约范本也转贴一下。希望哪天大家当业主的时候能用得上。然后请俺吃一顿。祝大家好运咯!呵呵! Residential Tenancy Agreement (British Columbia) THIS AGREEMENT made the _______ day of ________________, _________. BETWEEN (use correct legal names): ___________________________________________________________ (referred to in this agreement as "the tenant") AND ________________________________ _______________________________ (referred to in this agreement as "the landlord") 1. Address of residential premises The address of the premises to be rented is located at ________________________________ (Apt./Suite no.)_________________________________ ___________________________ (Street address) (City and province) (Postal code) 2. Address for service The address for serving notices and documents and the telephone number of the landlord or landlords agent is: ______________________________________ _______________________ (Name, if different from landlord) _____________________________________________________________________________(Apt./Suite no.) (Street address) _______________________________________________________________________________________ (City and province) (Postal code) (Telephone number) vanstardotca 3. Term of agreement The term of this agreement will be as follows: This will be a [ ] daily or week-to-week tenancy which will begin on __________________________, _______. [ ] month-to-month tenancy which will begin on _______________________________, _______. [ ] fixed term tenancy which will begin on ___________________________, and end on ______________________, _______. If the tenancy is for a fixed length of time, at the end of the fixed time - [ ] the tenancy may continue on a month-to-month basis or for another fixed time. [ ] the tenancy will end. 4. Rent The rent will be $_________________ [ ] per week, [ ] per month, and must be paid on or before the ________________ day of each [ ] week [ ] month. The first [ ] weeks [ ] months rent will be payable on __________________________________. The tenant must pay the rent on time. If the rent is late, the landlord may issue a Notice to End a Residential Tenancy to the tenant, which may take effect not earlier than 10 days after the date the Notice is given. 5. Included in the rent The following items, appliances, and services are included in the rent: (Check only those things that are included and provide additional information if required.) [ ] water [ ] electricity [ ] heat [ ] stove [ ] oven [ ] refrigerator [ ] dishwasher [ ] furniture [ ] window coverings [ ] carpets [ ] laundry facilities [ ] cablevision [ ] garbage collection [ ] parking for _____ vehicle(s) [ ] sewage disposal [ ] sheets and towels [ ] other: ________________________________ The landlord must not take away or make the tenant pay extra for a service or facility that is already included in the rent. 6. Security deposit The landlord acknowledges receiving from the tenant the sum of $_____________________ on _____________________________(date) as a security deposit. The landlord agrees (I) that the security deposit must not exceed one half of the monthly rent payable for the residential premises, (ii) to keep the security deposit during the tenancy and pay interest on it in accordance with the Residential Tenancy Act, and (iii) to return the security deposit and interest to the tenant within 15 days of the end of the tenancy agreement, unless (a) the tenant agrees in writing to allow the landlord to keep an amount as payment for unpaid rent or damage, or (b) the landlord applies for arbitration under the Residential Tenancy Act within 15 days of the end of the tenancy agreement to claim some or all of the security deposit and interest. The tenant agrees to use the security deposit and interest as rent only if the landlord consents. 7. Rent increases Once a year, the landlord may increase the rent for the existing tenant. The landlord may only increase the rent 12 months after the date that the existing rent was established with the tenant or 12 months after the date of the last lawful rent increase for the tenant, even if there is a new landlord or a new tenant by way of an assignment. The landlord must use the prescribed Notice of Rent Increase form available from any office of the Residential Tenancy Branch or Government Agent. A landlord must give a tenant 3 whole months notice, in writing, of a rent increase. For example, if the rent is due on the 1st of the month and the tenant is given notice any time in January, even January 1st, there must be 3 whole months before the increase begins. In this example, the months are February, March and April, so the increase would begin on May 1st. If the tenant thinks the rent increase is unjustified the tenant may talk to the landlord or contact the Residential Tenancy Branch for assistance. If the issue is not resolved, the tenant may apply for arbitration under the Residential Tenancy Act within 30 days from the date of receipt of the Notice of Rent Increase. A landlord must give a tenant of a manufactured home pad 6 whole months notice, in writing, of a rent increase. If the tenant thinks the rent increase is unjustified, the tenant may talk to the landlord or contact the Residential Tenancy Branch for assistance. If the issue is not resolved, the tenant may apply for mediation by the Manufactured Home Park Dispute Resolution Committee. 8. Assign or Sublet The tenant may assign or sublet the residential premises to another person with the consent of the landlord. If this tenancy agreement is for a fixed length of 6 months or more, or is solely for the rental of a manufactured home pad, the landlord must not arbitrarily or unreasonably withhold consent to assign or sublet. Under an assignment a new tenant must assume all of the rights and duties under the existing tenancy agreement, at the same rent. The landlord must not charge a fee or receive a benefit, directly or indirectly, for giving this consent. If a landlord unreasonably withholds consent to assign or sublet or charges a fee, the tenant may apply for arbitration under the Residential Tenancy Act. 9. Repairs (a) Landlords Duties: The landlord must provide and maintain the residential premises and residential property in a reasonable state of decoration and repair, making the residential premises and the residential property suitable for occupation by a reasonable tenant. The landlord must comply with health, safety and housing standards required by law. If the landlord is required to make a repair to comply with the above duties, the tenant may discuss it with the landlord. If the landlord refuses to make the repair, the tenant may seek an Arbitrators Order under the Residential Tenancy Act for the completion and costs of the repair. (b) Tenants Duties: The tenant must maintain ordinary health, cleanliness and sanitary standards throughout the residential premises and residential property. The tenant must take the necessary steps to repair damage to the residential premises and residential property caused by a wilful or negligent act or omission of the tenant or invited guests of the tenant. The tenant is not responsible for reasonable wear and tear to the residential premises. If the tenant does not comply with the above duties, the landlord may discuss the matter with the tenant and may seek a monetary order through arbitration under the Residential Tenancy Act for the cost of repairs, serve a Notice to End a Residential Tenancy, or both. ? Emergency Repairs: The landlord must post the name and telephone number of the designated contact person for emergency repairs. The tenant must make at least two attempts to notify the person designated by the landlord, and give a reasonable time for completion of the emergency repairs by the landlord. If the emergency repairs are still required, the tenant may undertake the repairs and deduct the cost from the next months rent, provided a statement of account and receipts are given to the landlord. The landlord may take over completion of the emergency repairs at any time. Emergency repairs must be urgent and necessary for the health and safety of persons or preservation of property and are limited to (I) major leaks in the pipes or roof, (ii) damaged or blocked water or sewer pipes or plumbing fixtures, (iii) repairs to the primary heating system, and (iv) defective locks that give access to the residential premises. 10. Occupants and Invited Guests (a) The landlord may not stop the tenant from having guests in the residential premises under reasonable circumstances. If the number of permanent occupants is unreasonable, the landlord may discuss the issue with the tenant and may serve a Notice to End a Residential Tenancy. Disputes regarding the notice may be resolved through arbitration under the Residential Tenancy Act. (b) If the tenant lives in a hotel, the landlord may impose reasonable restrictions on invited guests and reasonable extra charges for overnight accommodation of invited guests. 11. Locks Neither the tenant nor the landlord may change or add a lock or security device (for example, a door chain) to the residential premises unless both agree, or unless ordered by an arbitrator. In an emergency, the landlord may change the lock on the main door of the residential property and the tenant may change a defective lock on the residential premises and promptly provide the other party with a copy of the new key. 12. Entry of Residential Premises by the Landlord (a) For the duration of this tenancy agreement, the residential premises are the tenants home and the tenant is entitled to privacy, quiet enjoyment and to exclusive use of the residential premises. (b) The landlord may enter the residential premises only if one of the following applies: (I) the landlord gives the tenant a written notice which states why the landlord needs to enter the residential premises and specifies a reasonable time not sooner than 24 hours and not later than 72 hours from the time of giving the notice; (ii) there is an emergency; (iii) the tenant gives the landlord permission to enter at the time of entry or not more than one month before the time of entry for a specific purpose; (iv) the tenant has abandoned the residential premises; (v) the landlord has the order of an arbitrator or court saying the landlord may enter the residential premises; (vi) the landlord is providing maid service to a hotel tenant at a reasonable time. ? If a landlord enters the residential premises illegally, the tenant may apply for an Arbitrators Order under the Residential Tenancy Act, to change the locks for the residential premises and keep the only key. At the end of the tenancy, the tenant must give the key to the residential premises to the landlord. 13. Ending the Tenancy (a) The tenant may end a month-to-month tenancy by giving the landlord at least one months written notice. The landlord must receive the written notice before the day the rent is due, for the tenant to move out at the end of the following month. This notice must be in writing and must (I) include the address of the residential premises, (ii) include the date the tenancy is to end, and (iii) be signed by the tenant. For example, if the tenant wants to move at the end of May, the tenant must make sure the landlord receives written notice on or before April 30th. (b) The landlord may end the tenancy only for the reasons and only in the manner set out in the Residential Tenancy Act. The landlord must use the prescribed Notice to End a Residential Tenancy form available from the Residential Tenancy Branch. ? The landlord and tenant may mutually agree in writing to end this tenancy agreement at any time. 14. Landlords Obligation to Give Tenancy Agreement to Tenant In order for the landlord to insist on the performance of the tenants obligation to pay rent under the tenancy agreement, the tenant must receive a copy of this agreement promptly, and in any event not later than 21 days after the agreement was entered into. 15. Application of the Residential Tenancy Act The terms of this tenancy agreement and any changes or additions to the terms may not contradict or change any right or duty under the Residential Tenancy Act or a regulation made under that act and to the extent that a term of this tenancy agreement does contradict or change a right or duty under the Residential Tenancy Act or a regulation made under that act the term of this tenancy agreement is void. Any change or addition to this tenancy agreement must be agreed to in writing and initialled by both the landlord and tenant and must be reasonable. If a change is not agreed to in writing, is not initialled by the landlord and tenant or is not reasonable it is not enforceable. 16. Arbitration of Disputes Despite any other provision of this tenancy agreement, under the Residential Tenancy Act a tenant has the right to apply for arbitration to resolve a dispute. 17. Additional terms Write down any additional terms which the tenant and the landlord agree to. (Additional pages may be used.)___________________________________ ________________________ Landlord signature Date ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Tenant signature Date ___________________________________ ___________________________________ Tenant signature Date_ |
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