This fish is being sold in Canada. We saw it recently on the buffet at the Fallsview Casino!
這條魚在加拿大被賣。 我們在Fallsview賭博娛樂場最近看見了它在自助餐!
Many are snatching up the fish at supermarkets as they are very cheap. The fish looks good but read the article and you will be shocked.
(因為他們是非常便宜的,許多奪走魚在超級市場。 好,但是讀文章和您的魚看起來將被衝擊。 )
This product is from Vietnam. 這個產品來自越南。
Do you eat this frozen fish called BASA? ( Pangasius, Vietnamese River Cobbler, White Catfish, Gray Sole )
您是否吃称BASA的這條凍魚? (Pangasius,越南河補鞋匠、白色鯰魚,灰色腳底)

Industrially farmed in Vietnam along the Mekong River, BASA or Pangas or whatever they're calling it, has only been recently introduced to the French market. 工業上種田在沿湄公河、BASA或者大切刀的越南或者任何they' 再叫它,最近只被介紹了給法國市場。
However, in a very short amount of time, it has grown in popularity in France. They are very, very affordable (cheap), are sold in filets with no bones and they have a neutral flavor and texture; many would compare it to cod and sole, only much cheaper. But as tasty as some people may find it, there's, in fact, something hugely unsavory about it. I hope the information provided here will serve as very important information for you and your future choices. Here's why it is better left in the shops and not on your dinner plates:
然而,在非常短暂的时间,它在大眾化增長在法國。 他們是非常,非常付得起(便宜),被賣在內圓角沒有骨頭,並且他們有一個中立味道並且構造; 許多與更加便宜的鱈魚和腳底將比較它,只。 但是一样鮮美象某些人民可以發現它, there' s,實際上,事巨大地令人厭惡對此。 我希望被提供的信息這裡起非常重要信息作用對于您和您的未來選擇。 Here' s它為什麼更好被留下在商店和不在您的菜盘:

1. BASAS or Pangas are teeming with high levels of poisons and bacteria. (industrial effluents, arsenic, and toxic and hazardous by-products of the growing industrial sector, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), DDT and its metabolites (DDTs), metal contaminants, chlordane-related compounds (CHLs), hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs), and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) ).
1. BASAS或大切刀是群集的與毒物和細菌高水平。 (工業流出物、砷和生長工业部门的毒性和危害副產物、多氯化联苯(PCBs),二氯二苯三氯乙和它的代謝產物(DDTs),金屬汙染物、與氯丹相關的化合物(CHLs),六氯環已烷異構體(HCHs)和六氯苯(HCB))。
The reason is that the Mekong River is one of the most polluted rivers on the planet and this is where basa/pangas are farmed and industries along the river dump chemicals and industrial waste directly into it. Avoid eating them because they contain high amounts of contamination. Regardless of Reports and recommendations against selling them, supermarkets still sell them, knowing full well that they are contaminated.
原因是湄公河是其中一條行星的被汙染的河,並且這是basa或大切刀種田的地方,並且沿河的產業傾銷化學製品和工业废料直接地入它。 因為他們包含金额上限汙穢,避免吃他們。 不管反對賣他們的報告和推薦,超級市場仍然賣他們,很清楚知道沾染他們。
2. They freeze Basa/Pangas in contaminated river water.
2. 他們冷凍在污染的河水的Basa或大切刀。

3. BASA/Pangas are raised in Vietnam .. Pangas are fed food that comes from Peru ( more on that below ), their hormones ( which are injected into the female Pangas ) come from China . ( More about that below ) and finally, they are transported from Vietnam to other countries
3. BASA/Pangas在越南被上升。 哺養來自秘魯大切刀的食物(更在下面那),被注射入女性大切刀)的他們的激素(來自中國。 (更多對此下面)和终于,他們從其他國家的越南被運輸
4. There's nothing natural about Basa/Pangas - They're fed dead fish remnants and bones, dried and ground into a flour (from South America), manioc ( cassava ) and residue from soy and grains. This kind of nourishment doesn't even remotely resemble what they eat in nature. But what it does resemble is the method of feeding mad cows ( cows were fed cows, remember? ). What they feed basa/pangas is completely unregulated so there are most likely other dangerous substances and hormones thrown into the mix. The basa/pangas grow 4 times faster than in nature, so it makes you wonder what exactly is in their food? Your guess is as good as mine.
4. There' s沒什麼自然關於Basa或大切刀- They' 再哺養的死的魚殘餘和骨頭,烘乾和研入麵粉(從南美洲),從大豆和五穀的木薯粉(木薯)和殘滓。 這种養料doesn' 甚而t遙遠地類似什麼他們吃本质上。 但是它類似什麼是喂养疯狂的母牛方法(喂养了母牛母牛,記住? )。 什麼他們哺養basa或大切刀是完全地無條理的那么那裡是很可能其他危险品和激素被投擲入混合。 basa或大切刀4次快速地生長比本质上,因此它做您奇蹟什麼正確地在他們的食物? 您的猜測是像我的一樣。

5. Basa/Pangas are injected with Hormones Derived from Urine. They inject female Basa/Pangas with hormones made from the dehydrated urine of pregnant women, the female Pangas grow much quicker and produce eggs faster ( one Basa/Panga can lay approximately 500,000 eggs at one time ). Essentially, they're injecting fish with hormones ( they come all of the way from a pharmaceutical company in China ) to speed up the process of growth and reproduction. That isn't good. And also consider the rest of the reasons to NOT eat BASA.
Basa或大切刀注射與從尿獲得的激素。 他們注射女性與由孕妇被脫水的尿做的激素的Basa或大切刀,女性大切刀增長更加快速更快和產物的雞蛋(一Basa或大切刀可能一次下大约500,000個雞蛋)。 本质上, they' 與來自所有方式一家制药公司在中國)加速成長和再生產的過程的激素(他們的再注射的魚。 那isn' 好t。 並且考慮原因的其余不吃BASA。
You get what you pay for - and then some. Don't be lured in by insanely cheap price of Basa/Pangas. Is it worth risking your health and the health of your family?
6. 您得到什麼您支付-還不止這些。 Don' t由瘋狂Basa或大切刀的便宜的價格誘使。 它值得冒丧失您的健康和您的家庭之险健康?
7. Buying Basa/Pangas supports unscrupulous, greedy corporations and food conglomerates that don't care about the health and well-being of human beings. They are only concerned about selling as many basa/pangas as possible to unsuspecting consumers. These corporations only care about making more money at whatever cost to the public..
7. 買的Basa或大切刀支持肆無忌憚,貪婪的公司和don'的食品联合企业; 關於人健康和福利的t關心。 他們只关注賣許多basa或大切刀尽可能對信任的消费者。 這些公司對挣更多金錢只關心在對公眾的任何費用。
8. Basa/Pangas WILL make you sick - If you don't get ill with vomiting, diarrhea and effects from severe food poisoning, congratulations, you have an iron stomach! But you're still ingesting POISON not "poisson".
8. Basa或大切刀將做您病殘-,如果您don' t不適與嘔吐,腹瀉,並且從嚴厲食物中毒的作用,祝賀,您有鐵胃! 但是you' 不是再仍然咽下毒物" poisson"。
Final important note: Because of the prodigious amount of availability of Basa/Pangas, be warned that they will certainly find their way into other foods like imitation crab sticks, fish sticks, fish terrines, and probably in some pet food too. Just check the Ingredient List to see if Basa is one of the ingredients. Good Luck.
決賽注意事项: 由於他們一定將寻找他們的道路入其他食物像仿製螃蟹棍子,炸鱼排,魚陶罐和大概在一些宠物食品也是的巨大的相當数量Basa或大切刀的可及性,被警告。 請檢查成份名單看Basa是否是其中一種成份。 好运。
You have been warned !!! 您被警告了!!!

Why are we allowing this product to be imported?