Flowers are a key ingredient of Lunar New Year celebrations.在農曆新年慶祝活動,花卉是一個關鍵因素.
Hong Kong, for instance, thousands of people visit the city's famous Mong Kok Flower Market on New Year's Eve in search of auspicious flowers.在香港,比如數千人於除夕參觀全市有名的旺角花市,尋找吉祥的鮮花.
Flowering kumquat, daffodils and peonies bring good luck, peach blossoms are believed to kindle romance, and tangerine plants ensure long-lasting relationships and "fruitful" marriages.開花的金橘、水仙、牡丹帶來好運,相信燃亮浪漫,保證有長長久久的關係,和"富有成果的"婚姻.
In Vancouver, plum and cherry blossoms are very popular.在溫哥華,李花、櫻花的開放很受歡迎.
Known as chyuhn haap, this segmented tray is filled with eight symbolic foods: 這是充滿八個象徵食品托盤:
1.Candy melon (growth and good health)糖果瓜(代表健康成長)
2.Coconut (unity)椰子(代表團結)
3.Kumquat (gold for prosperity)金橘(金代表繁榮)
4.ongan (many good sons)龍眼(代表很多好兒子)
5.Lotus seeds (fertility)蓮子(代表生產力)
6.Lychee nuts (close family relationships)荔枝堅果(代表親密家庭關係)
7.Peanuts (longevity)花生(代表長壽)
8.Red melon seeds (the colour for happiness, joy, honesty and sincerity)紅瓜子(顏色代表幸福快樂,誠實和誠意)
Children, traditionally, were the recipients of little red packets on New Year's Day, enclosing "good-luck" money to help guarantee prosperity in the coming year.傳統意義上,孩子於元旦領取小紅包、內附"吉祥"金錢,幫助來年的繁榮.
Everyone puts on a new set of clothes on New Year's Day, including shoes and undergarments.元旦當天大家穿上了一套新衣服,包括鞋子、內衣.
Lunar New Year's family visits are a happy, rush-hour-inducing aspect of the celebrations, especially in cities like Hong Kong, where the clogged streets have a special, festive feeling.新春家庭拜訪親朋好友,在城市如香港,經常導致街頭阻塞,有特殊節日的感覺.
Since everyone is trying to visit everyone else, schedules are worked out in advance, with people racing merrily from visit to visit.既然大家都拜訪親朋好友,最好提前定出時間表,以便從容
In some parts of China, New Year's Day itself is a quiet, reflective time, with the visits beginning on the second day of the festival.在中國的一些地方,元旦本身是一個安靜、反省的時間,第二天才開始拜訪親朋好友.
In Vancouver, most people make their visits on New Year's Day.在溫哥華,但大多數人在元旦拜訪親朋好友.
Houses and properties are thoroughly swept in the days leading up to Lunar New Year, as part of a ritual to brush away the old year and its tired luck.住房和財產徹底掃除,以迎接農曆新年,作為一種習俗來拂去舊年的壞運氣.
In old China, the 20th day of the 12th Moon was set aside specifically for the ritualistic Sweeping of the Grounds.在舊中國, 農曆12月20日,專門留作為清掃的習俗.
In Vancouver, several civic leaders of Asian descent wielded their brooms earlier this week in Chinatown to help prepare for the Lunar New Year festivities.溫哥華幾個亞裔社團領袖,本週早些時候在華埠清掃,幫助準備農曆新年歡慶.
Many people feel the sweeping must always be outward, moving the old year and its bad luck away from the house.很多人覺得必須隨時清掃外,讓舊歲及其惡運遠離家門.
The exterior walls and gateways of Chinese houses are adorned with pairs of large scarlet scrolls on which a calligrapher has written matching poems.外牆和中文門戶房子裝上雙雙大大紅春聯,書法選配寫詩歌.
A 1,000-year-old ritual performance, the lion dance is designed to scare away evil spirits and summon good fortune.一個1,000年的禮儀表演-舞獅,旨在嚇走惡靈,並傳召福氣.
There will be lion dances around the Lower Mainland on Lunar New Year's Day, with the best known appearing as part of the annual Chinatown Parade Sunday at noon.大年初一將有舞獅與遊行在溫哥華市,最知名的週年華埠大遊行在星期日中午舉行.
The shaggy, dragon-like lion, with its bulging eyes and waggling movements, devours a symbolic piece of lettuce as a portent of abundance and then appears to burp up a spring couplet to the delight of the audience.毛茸茸的,龍類獅,其眼睛和waggling動作,吞食象徵豐收的生菜作為一個先兆,然後吐出春聯以取悅觀眾.
No knives or scissors or any kind of cutting is permitted on New Year's Day, for fear of severing the new year's good luck.元旦沒有任何允許刀具或剪刀切割,怕切斷新年好運.
This means no knife-handling at all during New Year's, and no hair cuts after New Year's Eve.這意味著元旦期間沒有刀處理、除夕後才理髮.
Many families, including UBC Prof. Mui-Chung Yan's, prepared three days' worth of food in advance, so that the kitchen and its sharp edges could be left undisturbed.許多家庭, 包括UBC教授準備三天的食物,不動他的廚房與其鋒利的刀叉.
Lighting firecrackers is a venerable part of Lunar New Year's festivities, a way -- similar to banging on pots and blowing horns in European celebrations -- to send the old year on its way.點燃爆竹是賀歲的節日方式--類似歐洲吹響號角的慶典--送走舊歲.
In Chinese tradition, people throw open all the doors and windows in the house at the stroke of midnight so that the old year can find its way out.在華人傳統中人們在午夜,把屋內所有門窗開放,使老一年能找到自己的出路.